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Durrington C of E VC Junior School

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Ofsted & SIAMs

Durrington Junior SIAMS Report March 2023

We are very pleased to announce that in our most recent Church School Inspection we have been rated as a Good School for our distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church school. This is an achievement we are very pleased with, especially as the Framework used in the inspection process has changed and will be changing again this September. Well done to all staff, parents and children! You can read the final report by clicking on the large header above.


OFSTED Report November 2023

"Pupils are proud of their school...The school values of 'truth.

respect and kindness' are evident in pupils'

conduct and how they treat one another...

This school is ambitious for pupils."

Please click the link above to view our most recent Ofsted Report 31st October - 1st November



School and college performance tables

Please click the title above for access to the Department for

Education performance tables pages.



We are always interested in our Parents views.

ParentView is one way of leaving your opinions

on our school and it can be accessed at:
